Thank you for visiting the web pages of the 3rd conference
in the "International Meetings Industry Conference" series. 

IF YES you should not have missed the biggest Incentives & Meetings educational event in south eastern Mediterranean, in Athens Greece, IMIC 2007 (International Meetings Industry Conference). The third conference in the series dealt again with matters concerning Marketing Destinations with its main focus on the attraction of various kinds of company events and incentive trips, which now constitute a thriving and prosperous activity in this area.
Over 300 participants attended the event. And how could it be otherwise? An array of incentive experts presented a multitude of topics and showed us how we can become better professionals for making better business.
With the support of SITE Greece we had some of the best SITE International speakers like:
- Paul Flackett, CITE, UK, SITE President 1995, Managing Director of IMEX
- Tasso Pappas, CITE, Greece, SITE President 2000 and President SITE Greek Chapter 2006
- Carolyn Dow, Scotland, SITE President 2001 and Director of SITE Europe
- Bruce Tepper, CITE, US, Director of SITE Intl Board
- Lode Beckers, Belgium, Former Board Member of SITE Foundation and SITE Belgium Chapter, Chairman of LOBO N.V. Eurostrategies
- Bill La Violette, US, Chairman of several SITE Intl Conferences and Former Board Member of the SITE Germany Chapter, Managing Director & Publisher Incentives & Meetings International
- Rodolfo Musco, (CMP, CMM), Italy, President SITE Italian Chapter, President of Motivation and Events
other industry and academia experts like:
- Sotiris Avgoustis, US, Chair and Associate Professor, IU Department of Tourism, Conventions and Event Management, Indianapolis University
- Jon Bradshaw, UK, Senior Sales Manager of IMEX
- Alexandros Kouris, Greece, PRC Group shareholder, Executive Director Designate and Head of Communications Business Unit
- Maarten Vanneste, Belgium, President of MPI Belgium in 2003-2004, President and CEO of Abbit Meeting Support
and many other experts.
Click to see the full list of Speakers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The first conference in this series, entitled "Challenges in the new Global Environment" took place in Athens from 19th to 21st November 2004. This first conference hosted 40 presentations and 3 'round table' discussions. For further information please visit the website: http://heliotopos.conferences.gr/imic2004 
From 9th to 11th February 2006 the second conference in the series, entitled "Marketing Destinations and their Venues" took place once again in Athens. This conference was one of the largest that has taken place within the general tourism sector in Greece as 429 delegates attended it. It hosted 36 presenters, 2 'round table' discussions and a workshop. For further information please visit the website: http://imic2006.conferences.gr 

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